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in person editing sessions


As the Senior Copy Editor and a member of the Leadership Team, I'm responsible for editing everyone's pieces. In person conferences and editing sessions have been a large part of my job this year. Here, I am editing the News Editor's cycle story. It required intense restructuring. A strategy I like to use is cutting the paragraphs of the printed draft and organizing them physically rather than mentally.

online edits

Here, I am editing a guest writer's blog about his experiences as a football player throughout his life. I mainly focused on improving his organization and grammar while also finding places where he could cut down on word count.




After our cycle rough drafts were due,  the Editor's Board got together to make edits. Checklists are an essential part of our editing process, as we make them available beforehand so that when we edit their drafts, we're sure they knew what was expected.

resources: ap style

I always try to have an updated Associated Press Stylebook with me whenever I attend my journalism class. This way, if anyone on staff has a question about how to appropriately write something I have a reference just in case I can't remember off the top of my head.


resources: staff manual


In addition to mastering AP Style, I also make it my mission as Senior Copy Editor to master our publication's style as well. I make sure to have my updated staff manual with me in class and after school to refer to when asked about how our program does certain things. Not only do I use the staff manual as a resource, but coming into my position as Senior Copy Editor, I actually copy edited the manual before printing. 

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